Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas...

Here are a photos of the countryside while we were on our way to my parents house, enjoy the view...

While you were with your families and loved ones I hope you got a warm fuzzy or two and remember the true reason for the season is Christ's birth, life, death, and resurrection.

May all your Christmas' be bright, merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Little Christmas Eve

This is the night before Christmas, my husband and I are sitting on the couch both with our laptops open and listening to Nat King Cole...  Nice.
Didn't really explore much today, so I'm introducing you to a little somebody I met just a minute or two ago...

Merry Christmas Eve!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"urban and industrial with provincial and girlie"

Photos courtesy House Beautiful

I came across this when I got the brilliant idea to visit House Beautiful.  I usually get the magazine but I think all the moving has messed that up.  Anyhoo... I was searching 'industrial' and this amazing place came up.  It belongs to Laurel Canyon a photographer in LA.  Its almost as if each space has just one feminine trate and then it is highlighted by the fact that everything else is stark and raw.  Amazing!  Mix and mingle your design people... its the way to go!!!  

Merry Christmas Adam!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Our Christmas Tree

Yes, I even picked it from our back yard!  Added a little ribbon and sparkle and hung it from the ceiling over our dining room table with twine and hooks... Ta-dah!!  It's so dramatic and at night you can see it from the street, just like a good little Christmas tree.  I love real trees, I just didn't get my act together this year, or any year since my husband and I have been married.  Next year Stella will be two and I don't think she will let us get away without one, however I like this one so much I might try to store it somehow.

Something you should know, we have moved three times in three years.  Big moves, like states! So Christmas has always been a point of tension for me.  I always want to do so much but very little gets done.  I'm shooting for next year... or the year after :)  We are getting down to the hours people... I still have one gift to get.  Happy Holidaying!!

PS Incase you saw this post with the other pictures, I apologize.  I'm just going to use the Hipstamatic app on my phone until I get a better lens for my camera.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Birth Announcement of The Machine House

Lately, I cannot stop googling Industrial Chic. Do it! It will change your life.  This coffee table from Restoration Hardware is on my Christmas list... along with almost everything else in the store...

This is my blog.  I am terrible at keeping up with things, so I apologize now for months going by and no posts being posted... but I will try.  I have recently bought a house, had a baby (a year ago) and am currently searching for the perfect job, I think I will have some updates for you, so stayed tuned.  Happy holidaying!!