Monday, May 30, 2011

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I haven't posted in a good minute!

I haven't been avoiding my blog completely, I have been using it to get to my favorite blog spots, they are listed so nicely with easy access.
I thought I'd share some of my recent befores and afters... The first set is of a big gold mirror.  I actually bought four of these from Garden Ridge back in 2006?.  Three I have given away but this one I've held on to, thinking I'd find the perfect place for it someday.  Well, I found the place but the gold wasn't working... So I painted it with chalk board paint.  Just haven't gotten the urge to draw on it yet.

Here is the after of the bare lamp from above.

Next is of the adjacent wall... I couldn't afford the huge piece of artwork I wanted.  So I did this and it was... $0!

I love it!! It really fills the space nicely and gives a little something feminin to balance all the solid things in the room.  
Hope you enjoyed my first day back in a while!  Happy Memorial Day!!!